How to Caption a Lightbox with Video
This is a Webflow lightbox with a video link.
Notice that Webflow doesn't support captions for video/media embed in a lightbox.
This is the same lightbox as above, but with caption displayed below.
We are going to be using JavaScript to insert a caption based on the lightbox's custom attribute "data-caption"
Step 1:
Add a custom attribute to the lightbox settings tab. For name field type "data-caption". In the value field, provide your caption.
Step 2:
Go to the current page settings on the left toolbar. Under the Custom Code section in "Before </body> tag", paste this JavaScript code. (You can also paste this code in an embed component)
// On page ready
var Webflow = Webflow || [];
Webflow.push(function() {
// When a lightbox is clicked
$('.w-lightbox').click(function() {
// Get the data-caption attribute from the lightbox
caption = $(this).data('caption');
// If caption is missing, do nothing
if(typeof caption == 'undefined' || caption == '') return;
// Remove the existing caption (if any)
// Append the caption into the lightbox after a split second
setTimeout(function() {
$('.w-lightbox-figure').append('<figcaption class="w-lightbox-caption">'+caption+'</figcaption>');
}, 500);
}); // End lightbox clicked
}); // End ready function
Step 3:
We will now bring the caption below the video, by adding an extra style. Paste this after the code above.
.w-lightbox-embed + figcaption.w-lightbox-caption {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,100%,0);
transform: translate3d(0,100%,0);
Step 4:
Publish your site and preview it in the sub-domain (this doesn't work in the editor's Toggle Preview).
- The above code will apply to all lightboxes on the page. To apply this to the whole project, instead of pasting the code in the page settings, you can paste this in the site dashboard "Custom Code (before </body> tag)" field.
- Discuss or ask any questions on the forum at
- You can clone this project "Webflow Tricks" from my profile at, to see how it is done.